Molecular analyzes of DNA have revolutionized our understanding of biology and provided powerful tools to address crucial questions in medicine, biology, agriculture and other disciplines. The continuous evolution of sequencing and DNA analysis technologies promises to open new frontiers in research and improvement of the quality of human life.

DNA-based traceability in agriculture and food is a powerful tool for ensuring the origin and authenticity of food and agricultural products throughout the supply chain.
This approach plays a crucial role in ensuring their traceability by providing consumers with transparent information on the origin of the products they buy.
At the same time, it helps farmers improve their farming practices, ensuring safe and responsible food production.
DNA sequencing-based microbiome analyzes play a vital role in agriculture and food, revolutionizing the way we understand and manage agricultural systems and food production.
In agriculture, these analyzes allow us to explore the soil and plant microbiome, revealing the complex network of microorganisms present in agricultural systems. This allows for identify and characterize the different microbial communities which can affect crop health and soil fertility.
Studies of the agricultural microbiome have shown that certain beneficial bacteria can improve plant nutrition, stimulate growth and protect them from harmful pathogens.
Furthermore, these analyzes help to understand how different agricultural practices, such as soil management or the use of fertilizers, influence the microbiome. This information is valuable for the development of sustainable and efficient agricultural practices.
Understanding and managing the agricultural microbiome is an increasingly important aspect of sustainable agriculture and food production.
These analyzes provide us with a detailed insight into the interactions between plants, soil and microorganisms, paving the way for more efficient and ecologically sustainable agricultural practices and better control of food safety.

The analysis for the presence of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) is a fundamental investigation for the food safety and traceability of agricultural products.
Through molecular methods such as PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) or DNA sequencing, we can identify specific genetic sequences inserted into an organism through genetic engineering techniques. These genetic modifications give GMOs desired characteristics, such as resistance to pests or adverse environmental conditions.
The analysis for the presence of GMOs allows to verify if an agricultural or food product contains genetically modified organisms. This allows consumers to make informed choices and authorities to ensure compliance with regulations and labelling.
Hops latent virus is a major issue in agriculture. It is a virus that affects hops and cannabis plants, causing chronic infections, often asymptomatic, but able to occur in times of stress or in certain environmental conditions.
Through molecular analysis techniques, we can detect the presence of the latent hop virus in plants, identifying the genetic material of the virus itself.
Damages caused by these viruses include:
Reduced plant growth and vigor
Yield reduction
Alteration of the organoleptic and chemical characteristics of the product
Increased vulnerability to disease and adverse environmental conditions
Virus spread
To manage the latent virus infection of hops and cannabis, it is essential to adopt preventive agricultural practices, such as selecting healthy propagation material, cleaning tools and equipment, and implementing quarantine measures to prevent the spread of the virus between crops. Continuing research in the field of plant virology is essential to develop control strategies and to ensure the sustainability of hops and cannabis production.